Were We Handpicked by Jesus? A Reflection on Being Known

Jesus called his disciples one by one, knowing each of them fully—better than they knew themselves. He chose fishermen, a tax collector, and others from humble walks of life, not because of their perfection, but because He saw their hearts and their potential to carry His message. Imagine being among them, hearing Him say, “Follow me.” How would it feel to be handpicked by the Son of God?

I often wonder: if Jesus handpicked me, how would He see me? What would He recognize in me that I may not even see in myself?

Would He see my strengths—the compassion I show, the resilience I’ve built, the love I strive to give? Or would He look deeper, past the flaws and fears I try to hide, and see the person I’m meant to become?

And what confirmation would He give me that He truly knows me? Perhaps it would come in a quiet moment, when His peace washes over me in the midst of chaos. Or maybe in the way Scripture suddenly speaks directly to my situation, as though He’s whispering, “I see you, and I know your heart.”

The truth is, whether we realize it or not, Jesus has handpicked us. He calls us every day—not with a booming voice, but through the gentle nudges of our hearts. He sees us fully, with all our imperfections, and loves us just as we are. He asks us to trust Him, to follow Him, and to carry His light into the world.

If you’re wondering whether He’s chosen you, the answer is simple: Yes. You are known. You are loved. And you have a purpose in His kingdom, even if you don’t see it yet.

Take a moment to sit with that thought. Let His presence fill the questions in your heart. Ask Him to show you how He sees you—His unique and cherished disciple. You may find His answer in the stillness, in the love of those around you, or in the quiet assurance that you are never alone.

With faith and love,



If I Encountered Jesus


The Path Through Emotional Pain: Finding Relief and Strength