What was the Depth of Love of the Disciples?

I often wonder about the disciples of Jesus and how they loved one another. Did they love each other as deeply as they loved Him? Did their shared devotion to Jesus forge a bond so strong that they reflected His love back to one another? I believe it did. The love they had for Him must have overflowed into their relationships, creating a community that mirrored the unconditional love Jesus taught and lived.

This thought makes me pause and reflect: how is it possible to love others with the same depth and selflessness that Jesus exemplified? He loved without condition, without hesitation, and without limits. To know such love, to feel it in your soul, is to be transformed—to see the world with an openness and vulnerability that is both freeing and challenging.

The disciples were human, just like us, with flaws and failures. Yet, the love they received from Jesus changed them. It wasn’t a surface-level affection; it was a love that bore their weaknesses, forgave their betrayals, and called them to something greater than themselves. This love was their foundation, the glue that held them together through persecution, doubt, and even death.

To love as Jesus loved is to transcend the boundaries we so often place on our hearts. It’s not just about loving those who are easy to love but extending grace to those who hurt us, patience to those who test us, and kindness to those who may never repay it. It’s a love that doesn’t run dry because its source is infinite.

When I think about the disciples, I imagine a group of individuals who learned to love deeply—not because it came naturally, but because they had walked with the One who is Love itself. They experienced a love that redefined them, and in turn, they loved each other with a devotion that changed the world.

What if we could love like that? What if we allowed ourselves to be so open, so willing to give and receive love without fear of rejection or failure? To know such love is to live with an openness that embraces the world—not to be naive, but to be courageous.

This kind of love isn’t easy, but it is possible. It starts with knowing Jesus and letting His love fill us. As we experience His love, it overflows, transforming how we see ourselves, each other, and the world.

So, I ask myself—and you, too—what would it look like to love others as Jesus loved us? To love with no end, no conditions, and no fear? The answer lies in living fully open to the depth of His love and letting it flow freely through us.

From the Heart


Entry 01